What is Cloud Printing?

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    Most companies use Windows Print Servers for their business applications, and they are vulnerable to cyber-attack. Would you like learn more about how you can remove this significant security threat and business exposure by eliminating Windows Print Servers?

    Do you need to securely print and scan from Internet-only connected users and devices for example in …

    [group group-retail] Your retail stores which are connected via the public internet, enabling end users to successfully and securely print and scan [/group] [group group-manufacturing] Your manufacturing sites to enable the secure print and scan of critical barcode labels and shipping documents on time and in full [/group] [group group-logistics] These third-party logistics sites must be able to print critical barcode labels and shipping documents on devices that are not connected to the systems they are accessing [/group] [group group-oilgas] These petrochemical sites must print critical documents in refineries and offshore locations [/group] [group group-other] Remote locations such as warehouses, logistics centres, sales and finance office locations etc. [/group]