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New media and IoT increase threats to media organisations, says global report

Digital Shadows, a provider of cyber situational awareness, released its Shooting the Messenger: Understanding the Threats to the Media and Broadcasting Industry report which revealed that revenue generating websites...

Clues are dead – Kaspersky Lab’s threat predictions for 2017

Kaspersky Lab’s discovery in 2016 of an APT able to create new tools for each victim has effectively killed off ‘Indicators of Compromise’ as a reliable means of detecting infection, according to the...

Poor digital hygiene enabling crime as a service, Europol 2016 report

Europol’s 2016 Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment identifies an expanding cybercriminal economy exploiting increasingly Internet-enabled lives and low levels of digital hygiene. Informed largely by...

Attivo Networks introduces self-learning deceptions to misdirect cyber...

Attivo Networks has announced another break-through innovation in the fight against cyber attackers with Dynamic Behavioural Deception (DBD). With the release of Attivo Camouflage for Dynamic Behavioral...

Major GCC industries targeted with cyber attacks in 2016, says FireEye report

FireEye has announced an overview of the threat landscape in the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) region for the first half of 2016 in its latest Advanced Threat Report for Europe and the Middle East. Based...

Specialist distributor Nuvias expands into Africa, Middle East

Specialist EMEA distributor, the Nuvias Group, announced it has added a fourth region, Africa and Middle East, to its regional EMEA structure. The other three Nuvias Group regions are Northern, Central and Southern...

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