
Endpoint security automation a top priority for IT professionals

Global cybersecurity training company, the SANS Institute, has released its 2018 SANS Endpoint Security Survey report, which found that automating endpoint detection and response processes is the top priority for IT...

Applying threat intelligence to secure the enterprise network

By Ashraf Sheet, Regional Director, Middle East and Africa at Infoblox In a world in which cybercriminals are becoming increasingly stealthy and using increasingly sophisticated techniques, from ransomware to DNS...

Akamai report shows hospitality industry under siege from botnets

Cybersecurity defenders face increasing threats from organisations in the form of bot-based credential abuse targeting the hospitality industry and advanced distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, according to...

Research shows mobile users in UAE fail to password-protect devices

With more than half (47%) of people in the UAE still failing to protect their mobile devices and only 25% using anti-theft solutions, Kaspersky Lab has warned that pick-pocketers who get their hands on a smartphone...

Report: Malicious cryptocurrency miners gaining momentum

WatchGuard Technologies, a leader in advanced network security solutions, has published its latest Internet Security Report. Threat intelligence from Q1 2018 revealed that 98.8% of seemingly common Linux/Downloader...

Study finds organisations still plagued by phishing emails

A study has found that 54% of organisations continue to be plagued by phishing emails with 85% of respondents agreeing that employees need better inbox tools to detect sophisticated messages. IRONSCALES also asked the...

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