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Sophos 2017 malware trends and predictions for the year ahead

Article by Harish Chib, Vice President, Sophos, Middle East & Africa From online gaming to mobile apps and wearable tech, technology is used at almost every touch point in people’s day-to-day lives. However,...

Cybercriminals bypass email security systems with impersonation attacks

Mimecast Limited, a leading email and data security company, has announced the availability of its most recent Email Security Risk Assessment (ESRA) test results. The ESRA testing programme measures the effectiveness...

Exchanging threat intelligence strengthens security posture

In a world of increasingly stealthy and sophisticated cybercriminals, it is difficult, costly and ineffective for companies to defend themselves against these threats alone. As revealed in The Third Annual Study on...

‘Tis the season for predictions: The 2018 cybersecurity landscape

By Alastair Paterson, CEO and Co-Founder, Digital Shadows Every year around this time all the security businesses and analysts leap for their crystal ball and attempt to predict what we should be worrying about in the...

Middle East posts world’s highest increase in data breach costs

The Middle East is posting the world’s highest increase in data breach costs, with the average organisation risking nearly USD 5 million per data breach, showing the urgency in adopting data protection...

Future proofing organisations with zero-trust approach

2018 will see a vast change in internal security procedures moving towards what is called a zero-trust security model. IT departments of organisations are spending millions of dollars while witnessing successful...

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