
Experts discuss lessons business leaders should carry forward into 2019

Cybersecurity is one of the hottest topics in IT today and for good reason. CIOs and other business leaders are constantly inundated with headlines about the latest data breach, ransomware attack or service outage as...

The importance of physical and mental fitness for IT resilience

Head of Resilience at Sungard Availability Services, Dr. Sandra Bell, highlights the sheer importance of our mental state in the workplace and why it’s such a crucial topic for discussion. You may not believe...

What to do about the same old threats that keep haunting your business

In the age of AI, cryptomining and IoT, security leaders have a seemingly endless stream of new cyberthreats to defend against, so why are the old threat actors still coming back to haunt them? Bharat Mistry,...

Veeam expert on keeping up with evolving cyberthreats

Kate Mollett, Regional Manager for Africa South at Veeam explores whether businesses are keeping pace with the speed of evolving threats, stating that even a humble phone charging cable can be used...

Pulsant CCO on reducing the burden of compliance

Javid Khan, Chief Cloud Officer at Pulsant, looks at how businesses can keep up with compliance requirements. Many companies faced with the worry, or recent experience of a cyberattack, rush to make big...

Expert’s cybersecurity tips for the start of the University term

Amy Baker, VP of Marketing, Wombat Security, gives her advice on keeping personal information safe when taking the leap to university. The beginning of the new university term brings many changes for those taking...

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