
Staying on course in the aftermath of a security breach

It’s the news that every security team fears, yet, the fact is that any business can – and will – be the victim of a data breach at some point, many more than once. This is a particular concern for...

Securing the hybrid cloud: What skills do you need?

Hybrid cloud models offer many well-documented benefits, but they also introduce more complexity for securing data and applications across the enterprise. And this added complexity requires an increasingly diverse...

Threat actor ‘StrongPity’ lures users in search of encryption

A stealthy threat actor known as StrongPity has spent the summer luring users of encryption software to its watering holes and infected installers, according to a recent report by Kaspersky Lab. Users in Italy and...

One DDoS attack can cost up to and over $1.6 million

According to the Corporate IT Security Risks 2016 study conducted by Kaspersky Lab and B2B International among more than 4,000 representatives from 25 countries including the UAE, a single DDoS attack can cost a...

Industrialisation of cyber crime disrupting digital enterprises

Only a fifth of IT decision-makers in large multinational corporations are confident that their organisation is fully prepared against the threat of cyber criminals. The vast majority of companies feel constrained by...

Security analytics – Does your security operations need it?

I frequently get asked by clients whether they should invest in security analytics projects. Over a period of time, I have built up a conceptual framework to put security analytics in the context of overall security...

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