
Balancing the benefits of IoT with cybersecurity risks

By Vishal Bhawnani, Practice Head – Cyber Security Assurance at ProVise Secure Lab Introducing IoT technologies within organisations is a benefit to the information technology domain. This growth carries several...

Protecting your data – fighting fire with fire with zero-day recovery

For any given organisation, data is the fuel that keeps your business going, without which you cannot operate. Protecting this data should therefore be the priority of any business. However, what happens when all...

Pulsant expert on tackling the cyberthreat with a new approach

Cyberattacks aren’t going to disappear anytime soon – there are hundreds of new cases emerging all the time. Martin Lipka, Head of Connectivity Architecture, Pulsant, offers some tips for organisations and...

Alto Africa CTO Oliver Potgieter on securing data in the cloud

Many small business owners are more concerned about how secure their data is in the cloud but don’t worry about taking their unencrypted laptops to a local coffee shop, says Alto Africa CTO Oliver Potgieter. He...

Link11 expert calls for preventative approach to cybersecurity

A recent survey showed nearly half of IT executives don’t change their security strategy, even after a cyberattack. But organisations shouldn’t feel helpless, says Marc Wilczek, COO of, as he...

What CISOs should consider when consolidating security solutions

Most CISOs have many, if not too many, security products and tools across their enterprise, according to Jim Doggett, US VP and CISO, Panaseer. He says CISOs should first develop a security framework with the required...

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