
Outpost24 acquires Blueliv to create advanced cyberthreat landscape...

Outpost24, an innovator in full stack cybersecurity assessment, has announced the acquisition of Blueliv, a leading cyberthreat intelligence company in Barcelona, Spain. This combination...

Netskope achieves UK NCSC’s ‘Cyber Essentials’ certification

Netskope, a SASE leader, has announced it has attained the United Kingdom Government’s National Cybersecurity Centre (NCSC) core ‘Cyber Essentials’ certification. The NCSC was created in 2016 to...

Fitness & Lifestyle Group deploys Airlock Digital security solution

To respond to the heightened risk environment, Fitness & Lifestyle Group, one of the leading health and wellness groups in Asia Pacific, is deploying a security solution from Airlock Digital. Fitness &...

ISA and MBI join forces to offer industrial cybersecurity training in Germany

The International Society of Automation (ISA) has announced that Maschinenbau Institut GmbH (MBI), a service company of VDMA (Mechanical Engineering Industry Association), are joining forces with ISA to offer a...

Go Phish: Todd Moore, Vice President Encryption Solutions, Thales

We ‘Go Phishing’ with Todd Moore, Vice President Encryption Solutions, Thales, who tells us about life both in and outside the office. What would you describe as your most memorable achievement in the...

How we respond today impacts our security tomorrow

Lior Div, CEO and Co-founder, Cybereason, asks how the US government should respond to the threat of persistent and highly damaging cyberattacks and considers what strategies should be deployed to reverse the...

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