
Chief data officers leading the digital revolution

Using data to inform business decisions has led to a new role — the chief data officer. Here, John Salt, Co-founder of OnlyDataJobs, shares the three skills needed to succeed in the chief data officer role and...

Holiday, weekend ransomware attacks continue to hit companies hard

With the holiday season just around the corner, security teams will be looking to maintain a robust security profile while many staff take annual leave. We hear from Cybereason with some sobering analysis of their...

A year in review: Phishing, security and culture

Javvad Malik, Lead Security Awareness Advocate at KnowBe4, shines a spotlight on some of the lessons we can take from the last year and highlights how important it is to have a collaborative security department to lay...

Biometric technology revolutionises identity space

The use of biometric technology has taken off in recent years which could largely be down to loopholes in password security becoming more apparent. Benoit Jouffrey, Thales Digital Identity & Security CTO, offers...

BlueVoyant survey reveals UK organisations continuing to struggle to defend...

Monitoring the supply chain securely can be challenging if an organisation doesn’t have stringent cyberdefences in place. BlueVoyant’s report found that 62% of UK respondents say third-party cyber-risk...

Three signs your cybersecurity posture will not protect you from the modern...

Figures have shown that the number of cyber-incidents are rapidly increasing. Gregg Petersen, Regional Director – MEA at Cohesity, offers insight into three signs that suggest a security posture is not up to...

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