
The contours of a successful encryption strategy

Data is the new age currency and extremely valuable to organisations. However, there is somebody else who also has an eye on this data – the cybercriminal. While you leverage the potential of your organisational...

Ensuring an always-on business during the holiday season

With the vacation season approaching in the Middle East, employees in the region are looking to either fly back to their home countries or to holiday destinations with cooler climes. This does not mean, however, that...

Understanding the common motives behind DDoS cyber attacks

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks continue to be one of the most prevalent methods hackers use to disrupt businesses. Involving the use of multiple systems (personal computers, smartphones, etc.), DDoS...

Can you afford $500 per minute of internet downtime?

Many organisations have no clue how much one minute of internet downtime costs them, or haven’t stopped to think about it, says Tom Beinkowski, Director of Product Marketing at Arbor Networks. As a result, they...

Building a secure DNS architecture for NFV

It’s been well established that Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) provides important benefits to service providers. Not only does it provide cost savings by reducing operational costs and truck rolls to...

Preparing for smokescreen DDoS attacks

The threat landscape is more complex than ever, and establishing a cyber-security strategy in 2016 entails accounting for a number of different factors. Hackers will employ a variety of techniques to achieve their...

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