
Help AG releases advisory on WannaCry ransomware threat

On 12th May, a mass ransomware attacked started hitting hospitals, telecom service providers, universities and other institutions worldwide, using the malware WannaCry, WanaCrypt0r 2.0. It is found to be perpetrated...

WannaCry just showed why healthcare is lagging in security

Healthcare is an industry under siege. This statement was true yesterday and was underscored by the massive ransomware attack. Care providers are targeted by cybercriminals with greater frequency than any other...

WannaCry and why it has wrecked so many businesses

This week’s attacks leveraging the WannaCry ransomware were the first time we have seen an attack combine worm tactics along with the business model of ransomware. The weaponisation of the EternalBlue exploit...

Time for your New Year cyber detox?

The Festive period is over, the mince pies, turkey and other excesses are finished for another year and we start the New Year with hope and optimism and often New Years resolutions. Equally, in the corporate world, we...

DDoS defence: Is your network protected?

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are growing in both size and sophistication. Recently in September, a pair of high-profile DDoS attacks reached more than 600 Gbps and 1 Tbps, respectively, ranking...

Hack of Yahoo accounts – and the 700-day fallout!

On Thursday, September 22, 2016, Yahoo confirmed that hackers stole the personal data associated with at least 500 million Yahoo accounts. Details including names, passwords, email addresses, phone numbers and security...

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