
Digital Shadows’ CEO & Co-Founder: ‘When imitation is not the...

The huge cost of cybercrime was once again graphically illustrated a few weeks ago by a story on the BBC of a hacker who allegedly used phishing techniques and fake websites to steal over $100m from two major US...

Intel Security : New Global Cybersecurity Report

Intel Security, in partnership with the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), has released “Tilting the Playing Field: How Misaligned Incentives Work Against Cybersecurity,” a global report and survey rev...

Attacker innovation and IoT exploitation fuel DDoS attacks

Arbor Networks, the security division of NETSCOUT, has released its 12th Annual Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report (WISR). The report covers a range of issues from threat detection and incident response to m...

Multi-layered security: Defending from all sides

The threat landscape in the Middle East is ever evolving and always advancing with tailor-made, stealthy threats that evade traditional, point-in-time security defences. Instead of relying on a single attack vector,...

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