
Practical advice for securing IoT devices and protecting your network

The first high-profile DDoS attack using IoT devices that got the attention of the mainstream media happened around Christmas 2013 and was used to interrupt the launch of a prominent game. This attack came from the...

Digital Shadows’ CEO & Co-Founder: ‘When imitation is not the...

The huge cost of cybercrime was once again graphically illustrated a few weeks ago by a story on the BBC of a hacker who allegedly used phishing techniques and fake websites to steal over $100m from two major US...

Intel Security : New Global Cybersecurity Report

Intel Security, in partnership with the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), has released “Tilting the Playing Field: How Misaligned Incentives Work Against Cybersecurity,” a global...

Attacker innovation and IoT exploitation fuel DDoS attacks

Arbor Networks, the security division of NETSCOUT, has released its 12th Annual Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report (WISR). The report covers a range of issues from threat detection and incident...

Multi-layered security: Defending from all sides

The threat landscape in the Middle East is ever evolving and always advancing with tailor-made, stealthy threats that evade traditional, point-in-time security defences. Instead of relying on a single attack vector,...

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