Email security solution for oil companies to be launched in ME

Email security solution for oil companies to be launched in ME

Receive GUARD, an email security solution designed for oil companies, is set to be launched in the Middle East

Receive GUARD, an email security solution that was introduced to the industry in Oman and designed for oil and trade companies, is set to be launched in the Middle East. 

Built on an AI-based platform, Receive GUARD is capable of learning from and analysing Arabic-language emails to effectively block business email compromise (BEC) scams and new malware for companies in the Middle East.

With the emergence of BEC scams and new types of ransomware, Global firms and oil companies based in Middle Eastern countries have become major targets of hackers due to the large business transactions they make, highlighting the need for email security solutions such as Receive GUARD.

Receive GUARD was introduced as a next-generation email security solution in November 2017 at an information security seminar in Muscat, Oman. It attracted the attention of Middle Eastern companies by demonstrating the capability to learn from and analyse emails.

With its AI-based Machine Learning capability, Receive GUARD is able to distinguish between hackers and normal users. It was praised as an innovative solution, especially because its AI can identify threats posed by business email compromise (BEC) scams even in the absence of detectable viruses.

In addition, Receive GUARD pre-opens emails attachments and links in a virtual environment to detect any abnormal behaviour. When a malicious link is detected, the AI will convert the email text body into an image to enable users to read the email without the risk of unintentionally clicking on these links.

The Receive GUARD service is expected to be available in the Middle East within the next few months.

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