ESET Threat Report reveals significant security incidents and AI-themed attacks

ESET Threat Report reveals significant security incidents and AI-themed attacks

ESET has released its latest Threat Report, which summarises threat landscape trends seen in ESET telemetry and from the perspective of ESET threat detection and research experts, from June 2023 through November 2023.

The second half of 2023 witnessed significant cybersecurity incidents. Cl0p, a notorious cybercriminal group known for carrying out ransomware attacks on a major scale, garnered attention via its extensive ‘MOVEit hack’, which did not involve ransomware deployment.

In the IoT landscape ESET researchers have identified a kill switch that had been used to successfully render the Mozi IoT botnet nonfunctional. Amid the prevalent discussion regarding AI-enabled attacks, ESET has identified specific campaigns targeting users of tools such as ChatGPT and the OpenAI API. With spyware, there has been a significant increase in Android spyware cases, mainly attributed to the presence of the SpinOk threat.

“The Cl0p attack targeted numerous organizations, including global corporations and US governmental agencies. A key shift in Cl0p’s strategy was its move to leak stolen information to public websites in cases where the ransom was not paid, a trend also seen with the ALPHV ransomware gang,” said ESET Director of Threat Detection, Jiří Kropáč.

A new threat against IoT devices, Android/Pandora, compromised Android devices – including smart TVs, TV boxes and mobile devices – and used them for DDoS attacks.

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