Security leaders call for AI cyber regulations

Security leaders call for AI cyber regulations

Almost all (95%) businesses are urgently advocating for AI cyber regulations ahead of November’s AI Safety Summit, according to research from cybersecurity firm, RiverSafe.

The report AI Unleashed: Navigating Cyber-risks Report conducted by independent polling agency, Censuswide, revealed the attitudes of 250 cybersecurity leaders towards the impact of Artificial Intelligence on cybersecurity.

Three-in-four businesses (76%) revealed that the implementation of AI within their operations has been halted due to the substantial cyber-risks associated with this technology.

Security concerns have also prompted 22% of organisations to prohibit their staff from using AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT, highlighting the deep-rooted apprehension regarding AI’s potential vulnerabilities.

To manage risks, two-thirds (64%) of respondents have increased their cyber budgets this year, demonstrating a commitment to bolstering their cybersecurity defences.

Suid Adeyanju, CEO at RiverSafe, said: “While AI has many benefits for businesses, it is clear that cybersecurity leaders are facing the brunt of the risks. AI-enabled attacks can increase the complexity of security breaches, exposing organisations to data incidents, and we still have not explored the full extent of the risks that AI can pose. Rushing into AI adoption without first prioritising security is a perilous path, so striking a delicate balance between technological advancement and robust cybersecurity is paramount.”

Two-thirds of businesses (63%) expect a rise in data loss incidents, while one-in-five (18%) respondents admitted that their businesses had suffered a serious cyberattack in 2023, emphasising the urgency of robust cybersecurity measures.

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