State Library of Victoria entrusts Oracle software support and security to Rimini Street

State Library of Victoria entrusts Oracle software support and security to Rimini Street

The State Library of Victoria, Australia’s oldest library, has entrusted the support and maintenance of its Oracle E-Business software to Rimini Street.

Daniel Benad, Group Vice President and Regional General Manager, Oceania, Rimini Street

Rimini Street is also providing the library with its Advanced Database Security (ADS) and Advanced Application Middleware Security (AAMS) solutions, enabling an approach to security that can block vulnerabilities in hours – unlike traditional and old vendor software patch models that can take months to implement.

Bradley Vice, Chief Financial Officer at the State Library of Victoria, said: “Rimini Street worked with our team to identify and provide solutions for the risks we face. The team enjoy the service we’re providing and are pleased with Rimini Street’s responsiveness and the security capability they provide.”

Daniel Benad, Group Vice President and Regional General Manager, Oceania, Rimini Street, said: “Patches and upgrades require costly and time-consuming regression testing and downtime, and this level of disruption to fix a discovered security vulnerability simply leaves ERP customers exposed to attack.

“Large institutions such as the library require fast solutions to vulnerabilities, and a more proactive approach is required to protect the database and application middleware than simply waiting for a code patch to be developed, tested and installed. Protecting with a virtual shield from the outside has proven to be a more effective security solution.”

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