Companies recover quicker from ransomware despite rise in frequency

Companies recover quicker from ransomware despite rise in frequency

Cymulate, an Extended Security Posture Management market leader, has announced the results of a survey, revealing that despite the increase in the number of attacks this past year, overall victims suffered limited damage in both severity and duration. 

“This latest survey is critical in helping us understand that while we may be experiencing increased anxiety from the rise in ransomware, we have also learned lessons and can both prevent attacks and recover far quicker than before,” said Eyal Wachsman, CEO and Co-Founder of Cymulate. “Organisations still need to remain vigilant as ransomware continues to strike every sector and every size organisation. Security teams need to ensure current controls are effective and conduct basic cyberhygiene to prevent further damage.” 

Research taken from nearly 900 enterprise professionals across 14 sectors worldwide highlighted that the majority of respondents undertook proactive measures to prevent the attack before it could cause any significant damage and the vast majority of those even before it could cause any serious downtime. There was little difference in the size of organisations that ransomware targeted, affecting both large and small companies alike.

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