The Chartered Institute of Information Security Professionals, formerly the Institute of Information Security Professionals (IISP), has announced its Royal Charter status, becoming the only chartered institute focused solely on cybersecurity.
With this new status, the institute becomes the authoritative body for the industry and can further its mission of serving cybersecurity professionals by setting standards for skills recognition and career development.
“As the cybersecurity industry continues to grow, professionalisation has to be central to its agenda and the institute’s chartered status will be a key component driving this forward,” said Dr Alastair MacWillson, Chair of the Chartered Institute of Information Security Professionals.
“The institute has spent over a decade using uniquely developed frameworks to set standards for skills, experience and roles across the profession and it’s hugely encouraging to see these standards and processes validated by charter incorporation. With this new status, we look forward to welcoming new members and to becoming the recognised gold standard for cybersecurity in the UK.”
Achieving Royal Charter status will empower the institute to promote the advancement and dissemination of knowledge across the information security profession, as well as develop high professional standards for practitioners in the UK and, looking forwards, overseas. It will also encourage the standardisation of security skills, roles and education – removing complexity and confusion and providing the profession with essential guidance in being able to identify and recognise qualified practitioners.
“Chartered status will also empower us to support critical efforts towards solving the cybersecurity skills gap,” said Alastair MacWillson. “For instance, the industry needs to put more effort into encouraging a more diverse range of applicants to seek employment in the profession, and work with academia to attract young people to begin careers in the industry.”
To learn more about the Chartered Institute of Information Security Professionals, you can attend IISP Live on July 11 at Birmingham.