UK council to consider investing in cybersecurity centre

UK council to consider investing in cybersecurity centre

£3.5m (£2m of which is a short-term loan) to support the development of a Cyber Security Centre in Hereford

A UK council is set to consider investing £3.5 million to support the development of a cybersecurity centre.

Herefordshire Council’s cabinet has recommended the investment as part of an overall package of investment in local developments – totalling £12.827 million – over the coming year.

This is in addition to the £92.4m already identified in January for 2018/19. The recommendation will be considered by the full council on July 13.

A total of £3.5m (£2m of which is a short-term loan) was recommended to support the development of a Cyber Security Centre by the University of Wolverhampton to be based at Hereford Enterprise Zone.

The centre would provide accommodation space for up to 20 cyber-businesses, specialist research, training and educational facilities for businesses and organisations.

The centre, which is due to be completed in 2020, would help the growth of a wide network of cyber-based businesses and institutions attracting national and international business investment.

A further £1.116m of additional funding is recommended for Hereford Enterprise Zone ‘Shell Store’ refurbishment (£294k of which is from external contributions), to create a centre for research, start-up and scale-up engineering and technology businesses and, through the NMiTE University, provide space for students to interface with businesses.

Councillor Nigel Shaw, Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services, said: “Prior to any spending these investments will be required to provide a business case reviewed either by the whole cabinet or cabinet member as appropriate.

“This additional investment further demonstrates our commitment to the development of the county’s infrastructure, facilities and creating opportunities for jobs and growth, which will in turn contribute to an improved quality of life for Herefordshire’s residents.”

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