Five to watch: E2E security and identity for IoT

Five to watch: E2E security and identity for IoT

There is still a lot of concern about security and privacy, especially within mission-critical industries. As cybersecurity threats continue to increase it’s more essential than ever to take a comprehensive approach to IoT security.

As we continue our series examining the trends that are shaping the future of network platforms, we turn our attention now to security and identity for the IoT.

In his recent article for Ericsson Review, Ericsson’s CTO, Erik Ekudden, explains that security and privacy are not things that can be added on; they must be fully integrated into domains and components, processes, storage and communication. This comprehensive approach will be based on an industry-wide agreement on how to secure trust in development, deployment and operations.

Ericsson has extensive experience in delivering secure solutions for service providers. One example of security solution that can be applicable to IoT is the Data Centric Security offering which uses advanced blockchain technology to detect attacks in near-real time. Another complex area is identity and access management. Ericsson’s portfolio in this area contains solutions such as Authentication Federation Gateway (AFG), Certificate Administration Server (ECAS), Mobile Digital Identity (MDI) and Identity & Access Management (IAM).

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