Cisco to participate in Kuwait Info Security Conference & Exhibition

Cisco to participate in Kuwait Info Security Conference & Exhibition

Samer Al-Lahham, General Manager at Cisco Kuwait

Cisco has announced its participation at Kuwait Info Security Conference & Exhibition to be held at Radisson Blue Hotel, under the patronage of the Central Agency for Information Technology on May 11-12. As the main sponsor of the event, Cisco will be showcasing it threat-centric security solution suite which extends across the network, data and organisation – before, during and after an attack.

Samer Al-Lahham, General Manager, Cisco Kuwait, will be speaking at the opening ceremony and will highlight the security threat landscape and Cisco’s threat-centric focus and end-to-end integrated security solutions. The company will play an active role in the conference section with two sessions dedicated to highlighting the importance of security in an ever changing digital world. Naji Ukaily, Security Lead Kuwait, will present a session on ‘Security for the digital economy’ on May 11 at 10 am and Wissam El Charif, Consulting Systems Engineer, will focus on ‘Security everywhere’ on May 12 at 9.30 am.

At a time when more countries, cities and businesses are leveraging digital technologies to drive innovation, their growth will depend on their ability to protect their digital platforms. The Cisco Annual Security Report 2016 (ASR 2016) estimates cyber-crime to cost businesses $2.1 trillion globally by 2019, four times more than the estimated cost in 2015. According to another Cisco global study, enterprises face tough cyber-security challenges.

  • A total of 32% enterprises indicated the inability of their cyber security policies to keep pace with business change
  • Roughly one-fourth (27%) lack the right metrics to determine cybersecurity effectiveness
  • Around 26% have insufficient investments in cybersecurity
  • Twenty-four percent are ineffectively enforcing their cybersecurity policies
  • One in five (21%) do not know their own major cyber security vulnerabilities

“In Kuwait, the Central Agency for Information Technology through the Kuwait Information Network helps both public agencies and the non-governmental sector share information more securely and cost efficiently for government operations. Moving forward, the need of the hour is for businesses to make the most of digital technologies without compromising on the security of sensitive data. Cisco is focused on delivering ‘Security Everywhere’ which cuts across the security architecture, the data centre, Internet of Things and the enterprise network which includes wireless. It defends the IT infrastructure before, during and after an attack, and allows organisations to focus on growing their business, and we will be showcasing all of this at the exhibition,” said Samer Al-Lahham, General Manager, Kuwait.

Cisco has made strong investments in cyber security acquisitions as well as developing internal innovations to help organisations stay ahead of malicious attacks. Aware of the rapidly changing security landscape, the company has been an integral part of its customer needs for end-to-end security. At Kuwait Info Security Conference & Exhibition, targeted demonstrations will provide insights into the use of Cisco’s comprehensive threat defence solutions that are most relevant for organisations adopting digital transformation and how they help in gaining greater visibility, context and control across the IT infrastructure.

Cisco security experts will be available at their stand 14, 15, 16 to meet with customers and partners and share their global experiences and success stories.

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